For Rent:

p/o large industrial building in Valley Center

2800 square feet, for storage only
27036 N. Lake Wohlford Road,  Valley Center, CA

(approximately 1/2 of the building)

$2,000 per month  --- (plus electric)
  Approximately 70 cents per square foot

Application and security deposit requred.
Security deposit equal to one months rent ($2,000).


building   building   building  building

building  building


Available:  2800 square feet at north end of existing ag building.
Approximately 60 x 60 feet (less 18x46 space).  Concrete floor, metal siding. 
11 & 1/2' foot tall x 9' 10" wide double door, 11 & 1/2 feet of interior clearance.

No interior obstructions (walls, posts, etc).  Includes a restroom.

To be used for storage.  Other uses allowed if compatible with zoning and approved.
No hazardous material allowed except for gas or diesel in vehicles.
Must provide liability insurance.

Contact Randy Farrar at Horizon Realty for additional information.

Office/direct at 858-549-8894
or, you can send an email message to Randy Farrar, by clicking here.

Real Estate Broker, California Department of Real Estate,  License 00876529.
Calif DRE Information: 916-227-0931